Fran Jorgensen Photography

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Baby photography Melbourne - South Eastern Suburbs

The suburbs of Melbourne's southeastern region hold a great charm that's perfect for capturing your family at this stage of your life. Baby photography isn't just about clicking pictures; it's an art of preserving fleeting moments that are destined to become cherished memories.

Choosing the Ideal Location

When it comes to selecting the perfect backdrop for your baby's portraits, the options are endless. From the beach or great landscapes of local parks and gardens to the urban vistas that add a contemporary twist, the suburbs offer a canvas that's as diverse as your baby's personality. Natural light plays a crucial role in these shots, and the play of sunlight during the golden hours lends an ethereal quality to the images. If indoor comfort is your preference, then having your session at home will allow us to capture the little details.

Selecting the Perfect Timing

Timing is everything, especially when photographing babies. Mornings tend to work best as they are rested and more often than not in a good mood. And while weather can be unpredictable, it's possible to create stunning images even on cloudy days or amidst light drizzles.

I hope these two things will get you on your way of organising your own photoshoot for your family. Here is a session that I hope you’ll enjoy.